NaPoWriMo Day 29

Any time I’m at a loss for inspiration, I can always rely on my muse. My angel Lynn… I love you!


I look up at the night and see,

The stars twink’ling above.

I look beside, and there she is,

The woman that I love.

Which is the greater wonder is,

Quite difficult to say.

Except that love is just as plain,

Here in the light of day.

The splendour of the stars is great,

But it is all for naught.

Without someone to share it with,

The joy is soon forgot.

I point out constellations to,

The wonder next to me.

With her fresh eyes, it seems like them,

For my first time I see.

In the garden, she shows to me,

A bloom I’ve never known.

The magic of it’s scent tells us,

It bloomed for us alone.

I wish that everyone who reads,

These words may someday know.

A love like this, a blessing which,

Each day will live and grow.

Cheers, Winston

NaPoWriMo Day 10

I write these verses because Lynn enjoys them so much. I’m certain I could find something less brain abusing to do with my time, but whatever it might be wouldn’t bring her so much pleasure. That makes it all worthwhile.  I do this all because her


Because of You

“You took my breath away.” they say,

but that’s not it at all.

I breathe and live because of you,

you catch me when I fall.

For so long I was so much less,

not all that I could be.

But through your love I found a way,

to see me as you see.

You see a better side of me,

believe I can be that.

So I believe and try to be,

who you are looking at.

The love I see there in your eyes,

is all I’ll ever need.

That faith you have, your faith in me,

I try to live that creed.

So thank you love for loving me,

this flawed and fragile man.

I’ve learned from you, hold up my head,

and be all that I can.


Cheers, Winston



NaPoWriMo Day:26. For My Angel Lynn

NaPoWriMo post 26 is a love poem for awesome lover Lynn. Thank you so very much my angel.


I dreamed of love one summer night
And then when I awoke.
I realized it was a dream
That’s when my heart was broke.

For years I thought that was the end
My dream now never true.
But I know now the dream was real
Now that I have found you.

You’re everything I dreamt you’d be
That night so long ago.
I am so blessed to share your life.
So blessed you love me so.

I cannot thank you near enough
For all you do for me.
Although I pray that these few words
Will somehow help you see.

I’m so much more than I would be
Without you in my life.
I am so blessed in every way
To have you as my wife.

Cheers, Winston