Personal Poetry Challenge Day Fifty-Five

Another awesome day at my trailer with my wife and my dog.  What more inspiration do I need then that?


Trailer Season.

To sit before a crackling blaze,
Beneath an open sky.
And then to share with my true love,
Some tasty lemon pie.

To walk my dog and see old friends,
I don’t all winter see.
It’s all these things and more that mean
Trailer season to me.

To doze outside and listen to,
The blue jays as they call.
And chipmunks crash about so loud,
Despite they are so small.

A breeze in shade on sunny days,
Helps me relax again.
When clouds roll in I love the sounds,
Of thunder in the rain.

I’d stay all summer if I could,
But work says that can’t be.
So every day’s a special gift,
That’s so precious to me.

Cheers, Winston

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