I’ve Been A Little Busy…

So, it’s been a few more than a few months since I’ve posted here. That’s mostly because I’ve been busy with a whole new project. I’ve started on the artwork for my own set of Tarot cards. At the same time, I’ve put up a dedicated website to showcase my art including the cards as I finish them. Anyone interested can check it all out at https://greenapestudio.com

Not Tarot related, but the latest drawing I’ve finished to got in the gallery at greenapestudio.com.

As always, I would love any feedback.


Spirit of Torment

Last week at work I did the following sketch.

I sent it to my wife who said “Tell me that isn’t on a piece of scrap paper because I love it and want to hang it!” Of course it is on a piece of scrap paper. So this week, I set about re-doing it more suitable for hanging.

Many, MANY hours later, here is the result.

As always, I would love to know what people think.


NaPoWriMo 2021 Day 11

As you may have seen in previous posts here, I also enjoy drawing. I had really stepped back from it for while when my daughter was young and I was busier doing Dad stuff. She is out in the world now and I have started re-investing my time in visual art. I’m never going to be a great artist, but it brings me great joy. That’s really what I missed.

Recaptured Joy

I loved to sketch, to draw or paint,

Although I was no pro.

A life I got then, as one does,

And chose to let it go,

Oh sure I doodled now and then,

But less as time went by.

And as old skills from mem’ry slipped,

Was less inclined to try.

But then at length I realized,

What giving up had cost

So I set out once more to find,

That joy which had been lost.

Once more I pick my pencil up,

Resume old exercise.

Draw basic shapes five hundred times,

Each one a different size.

Here I now sit and set to page,

What’s seen in my mind’s eye.

Though I’m not back where once I was,

At least I’m going to try,

I study and I practice now,

I draw all kinds of things.

But haunted by my past I won’t,

Draw unicorns with wings.

Cheers, Winston

It’s been a while…

I realize I still owe some poems but for the moment, that well appears to have run dry. Here’s what I’ve been working on in the meantime.

Specifically turning this sketch into this final ink render.

The original quick pencil sketch.
The final ink rendering.

As always, I would love to hear what you think.

Cheers, Winston