NaPoWriMo Day 21

As I have mentioned a few times, I have been off work for some time for health reasons. I’m finally going back in a week or two and financially, it’s not a moment too soon. Personally though the past few months have had one important upside. More time with my wife, dog and extended family. I’ve also been able to devote more time to my art. It’s been great… aside from the whole sick and broke thing. Anyway, today’s poem is about that. Enjoy!

The Value of Time

Another day, a dollar earned,

That’s how the stories go,

But what is paid for what is earned,

That’s something most don’t know.


But I have spent some time away,

From works’ mad, hectic pace,

And if I could, I would withdraw,

From that one-sided race.


For what is paid is my dear time,

And I have none to spare,

Time with my wife and with my dog,

All those for whom I care.


I know the company cares not,

Not what they’re there to do,

Don’t kid yourself that you’re unique,

There’s countless more like you.


They’ll suck you dry, then cast you off,

Replace you in a blink,

And you’ll have sold all of your time,

For far less than you think.


We must all work, I understand,

There’s nothing much for free,

So, trade my time with those I love,

For their security.


Though I’ve been sick and money’s tight,

This time I don’t resent,

For time at home with family,

Is always time well spent.


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