NaPoWriMo Day 30

Well, I’ve survived another month of poetry without my brain actually dribbling out my ears. Now I just have to wait for it to stop automatically trying to rhyme every single word I think of. So grateful to everyone who takes a few minutes from their day to read these. Speaking of gratitude… Enjoy!

Choose Gratitude

To work, to work, alas it’s time,

That I must now return,

To pay, to pay, the bills I have,

Some money I must earn.

For that is how the story goes,

We must all work to live,

To have a roof and food and clothes,

Must have some cash to give.

Yes, even those who will not play,

Choose to live off the grid,

Will have to work far harder than,

In their old jobs they did.

Go on and thrash, and kick and scream,

Until you lose your voice,

There’s no escape, all rats must race,

There really is no choice,

When finally you see this truth,

Some peace at last may find,

And understand this is the way,

Leave freedom far behind.

The only freedom we may know,

Is how we face these facts,

Just how we choose to see the world,

Each defined by our acts.

So turn that negative around,

See sunbeams through that cloud,

Now turn your mind to bluer skies,

Cast off that sullen shroud.

Instead of grumbling, gratitude,

That choice is mine to make,

Be grateful for the life I live,

Not it for granted take,

To work, to work, at least I have,

A job that I don’t hate,

To pay, to pay for all I have,

That deal seems pretty great.


NaPoWriMo Day 23

I was thinking about how as a species we have gone from having too little access to information, to having a surfeit of it. Along the way, precious little has been done to teach us how to critically assess everything we consume now. This poem is about that. Enjoy!

A Brief History of Information Overload

Our story starts out long ago,

‘Ere once upon a time,

Before there was a pen or page,

To capture my poor rhyme.

We shared our wisdom through our tales,

In flick’ring firelight.

Yet when we passed, much that we knew,

Was lost back to the night.

So passed one hundred thousand years,

Without the written word,

So much of what was gained was lost,

Knew only what was heard.

Then finally, some marks were made,

That could mean something more,

Ideas now could be preserved,

Much better than before.

We climbed more quickly up the hill,

Of knowledge than before,

There still were those who’d hold us back,

Said we should not know more.

They would control all of the words,

Keep them from common reach,

The worthy meaning powerful,

The only ones they’d teach.

They did succeed and much was lost,

Yet still we persevered,

For people having knowledge was,

The only thing they feared.

And then one day, a great breakthrough,

One that would change the game,

A grand machine for making books,

Ten thousand all the same.

The time had come, our knowledge could,

Belong to anyone.

Still, some would seek to hold us back,

Frightened, but not yet done.

Clung desperately and terrified,

To power they had known,

Sought to control ideas for,

They had none of their own.

Still on we struggled up the hill,

Of knowledge ‘til at last,

We paused a moment to look back,

To understand our past.

Saw most had suffered needlessly,

So some could have it all,

For some time then our only goal,

To organize their fall.

But they don’t fall, they just change names,

Change how the game is played,

No longer try to hide the words,

Ten billion works displayed.

They would drown us in all the things,

We did for so long seek,

Then we like children gorged ourselves,

Soon found our minds too weak.

Could not contain, could not conceive,

The knowledge we now had,

Then unsupported, unprepared,

Went slowly, slightly mad.

And then they gave us more and more,

Consume, consume they’d say,

No time to think, no time to judge,

That just gets in the way.

You know you want to know some more,

Just Google and you’ll see,

More answers to more questions than,

You ever thought could be.

There is a problem here and now,

The worst that we have faced,

We need to find the gems within,

The years and tons of waste.

We need to learn to think again,

Not parrot what we hear,

Use knowledge to untie the knots,

To liberate from fear.

We must now be more critical,

Of things that people say,

Not of the person saying it,

Then we would lose our way.

No, we must understand the way,

Of thinking critically,

For only then, we’ll understand,

How to make our minds free.

Come sit beside my flick’ring fire,

Come listen to my voice,

For unlike those who would control,

I’m offering a choice.

I won’t be mad if you don’t think,

The same way that I do,

I am just offering a thought,

The rest is up to you.


NaPoWriMo Day 21

As I have mentioned a few times, I have been off work for some time for health reasons. I’m finally going back in a week or two and financially, it’s not a moment too soon. Personally though the past few months have had one important upside. More time with my wife, dog and extended family. I’ve also been able to devote more time to my art. It’s been great… aside from the whole sick and broke thing. Anyway, today’s poem is about that. Enjoy!

The Value of Time

Another day, a dollar earned,

That’s how the stories go,

But what is paid for what is earned,

That’s something most don’t know.


But I have spent some time away,

From works’ mad, hectic pace,

And if I could, I would withdraw,

From that one-sided race.


For what is paid is my dear time,

And I have none to spare,

Time with my wife and with my dog,

All those for whom I care.


I know the company cares not,

Not what they’re there to do,

Don’t kid yourself that you’re unique,

There’s countless more like you.


They’ll suck you dry, then cast you off,

Replace you in a blink,

And you’ll have sold all of your time,

For far less than you think.


We must all work, I understand,

There’s nothing much for free,

So, trade my time with those I love,

For their security.


Though I’ve been sick and money’s tight,

This time I don’t resent,

For time at home with family,

Is always time well spent.


NaPoWriMo Day 12

I have been living with diabetes for years now. For the last year of so, I’ve been doing much better at controlling it as I’m well aware of the potential consequences if I don’t. Dealing with other health issues and the stress of being off work, I’ve been eating my emotions lately and for me that means sugar. This poem is about that. Enjoy!

My Vice of Choice

So I have a little sweet tooth,

That runs my life for me,

Sure there’s healthy choices out there,

But sugar’s all I see.

I could resist temptation sure,

That’s so easy to say,

But when the sweets start calling me,

Best don’t get in my way.

I have heard people say some things,

Are really just too sweet,

I’m sad for them, but that’s okay,

It’s more for me to eat.

I used to smoke, and get quite drunk,

Quit for my health I’m glad,

But sugar’s still my drug of choice,

Two out of three ain’t bad.

I am a diabetic so,

My vice may court my death,

I’m like a life-long smoker who,

Lights up though short of breath.

But I’m still here so there’s still hope,

One day I may break free,

And finally beat this jones of mine,

Before my jones beats me.


NaPoWriMo Day 8

I moved away from my hometown 25 years ago. I left behind my family and almost everyone I knew. I made a new start and haven’t regretted that decision for a minute. But that doesn’t mean I don’t miss them. This weekend, my brother and his wife were in the area visiting her family so we had the chance to get together. It was like we’ve never been apart. That is a gift and a blessing. Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. Enjoy!

My Family Blessing

I have been blessed throughout my life,
With family I have found,
Both that which I was born into,
And those life brought around.

They’ve brought me through my darkest times,
Been there to celebrate,
They praise me when I’m doing well,
Coach when I’m not so great.

But mostly they are always there,
Though they aren’t seen for years,
For when we talk, we still will share,
Our laughter and our tears.

Sometimes we argue, disagree,
As people sometimes do,
Sometimes our tongues get sharper than,
They should, I know it’s true.

But then we talk and work it out,
Remember who we are,
Remember that without them all,
We’d not have come so far.

Though we may not forget some slight,
Forgiveness is our way,
Remember there’s more good than bad,
Whatever pride may say.

For that’s what family means to us,
And always will to me,
Forever one, forever loved,
And ever more will be.


NaPoWriMo Day 7

As an artist and generally creative person, I’m constantly trying to learn new techniques or otherwise improve my skills. This can be a lot of work. It can be immensely frustrating too. I can’t tell you how many partially completed drawings, paintings etc I have walked away from. But then I start trying to figure out what went wrong so I can find a new way to fail next time. As the saying goes, we learn more from failure than success. By that metric, I should be truly gifted by now. That is the theme for today’s poem. Enjoy!


Sometimes we try to do a thing,

We’ve never done before,

And though we try our best to learn,

There’s always something more.

We try and try and try and fail,

Think this will never be,

So many times, we just give up,

Our dreams we never see.

But there’s no law says we must quit,

Because the road is long,

For if there were, no one would paint,

You’d have no favourite song.

For everyone who’s tried to go,

Somewhere they have no map,

Has found themselves in that same place,

Has stepped in that same trap.

It’s up to us what we will do,

Give up or carry on,

The only time we truly lose,

Is when our fight is gone.

And so rise up and persevere,

I’m sure that you’ll succeed,

For courage, patience and some hope,

Are all the things you need.


NaPoWriMo Day 5

So, the area I live in is currently in the grip of a massive, late season ice storm. Today’s poem is in recognition of this and looks at the dangers of climate change and our role in it. Enjoy!


Ice yet lies thick upon the ground,

Though winter’s in the past,

Now any day the spring will come,

This mis’ry cannot last.

Yet ice still clings to every branch,

And turns the roads to glass,

But soon enough this all will melt,

Replaced by sweet, green grass.

And still the ice yet thicker grows,

What if this is the year?

The winter holds on just too long,

What will we eat my dear?

Ice covered fields, as yet unthawed,

Too late to plant a crop,

You think this just a farmer thing,

Wait ‘til you try to shop!

The ice is just our weather here,

Elsewhere it’s floods and drought,

With wildfires burning free,

Can be but little doubt.

This ice you see is just one face,

Of what our choices bought,

Now look in terror ‘round the globe,

What our own hands have wrought.

This ice will melt, do not despair,

The end is not yet writ,

We yet may change our future path,

If we but find the wit.

Yet even though the ice will melt,

Don’t think that all is well,

If we refuse to change our ways,

That tale’s too sad to tell.


NaPoWriMo Day 3

Recently, I have been experiencing some health challenges which have had a major impact on my life. So, the best way to process it seemed to write it out. Tomorrow, I should be back to my more usual fare. In the meantime…  Enjoy.

I Am The Author Of My Fate

We all make plans from where we are,

To where we want to be.

But life it seems has it’s own schemes,

That we but seldom see.

For years I lived just as I pleased,

Immortal in my youth,

I smoked and drank and ate my fill,

Ignored my health in truth.

Then after twenty years or more,

There was some troubling stuff,

My breath was short, stairs more a chore,

I said that was enough.

I haven’t smoked in many years,

Nor drunk in quite a while.

I’m eating less, more exercise,

You’d think it cause to smile.

Yet still despite these changes I,

Had tightness in my chest,

Which soon enough became such pain,

I knew this was no jest.

I did the work and took the tests,

Confirmed is heart disease.

The doctor said I am quite young,

I said just fix it please.

The stents went in, the pain was gone,

My life was once more mine.

But then the strangest feeling came,

No longer was I fine.

Not pain but pressure in my chest,

No energy at all,

A racing heart for hours then,

Was like I’d hit a wall.

And then more tests to understand,

My new situation,

My heart’s defective wiring caused,

Atrial fibrillation.

So back into the shop I go,

To get the wiring fixed,

And from the start they are up front,

Long term results are mixed.

For three years all was good as gold,

My heart worked like it should,

But now it has come back again,

As they had warned it could.

Twice I have gone to get it shocked,

Restore a normal pace,

My doctor said that is not good,

These pills should slow that race.

And so they do most of the time,

Still some blips here and there,

But they will keep the worst in check,

‘Til they once more repair.

The issue is the side effects,

Of this new med I take,

For tremors, nausea, vomiting,

Are things this drug can make.

For two months now, I haven’t worked,

Just once have left my home,

I hate to throw up publicly,

Which limits where I roam.

Soon now I’ll see the doctor who,

Will sort this out again,

And finally leave these drugs behind,

I’ll get my life back then.
