I’ve Been A Little Busy…

So, it’s been a few more than a few months since I’ve posted here. That’s mostly because I’ve been busy with a whole new project. I’ve started on the artwork for my own set of Tarot cards. At the same time, I’ve put up a dedicated website to showcase my art including the cards as I finish them. Anyone interested can check it all out at https://greenapestudio.com

Not Tarot related, but the latest drawing I’ve finished to got in the gallery at greenapestudio.com.

As always, I would love any feedback.


Ordo Malleus

So it’s been a bit since I’ve posted. I needed a bit of a break after the brain melting chaos which is NaPoWriMo. While I’ve been recovering, I did some art therapy and spent about thirty hours creating yet another Warhammer 40k piece. This one is my take on the symbol of the Ordo Malleus. They are the Imperial Inquisition’s relentless hunters of the taint of Chaos.

As alway, I would love to know what you think.

Suffer not the taint of Chaos!


NaPoWriMo Day 10

Between poetry and drawing I’ve been a bit of a creative roll lately. It got me thinking about why I do these things. I’m pretty sure that if you put me in a cave with the necessary tools and no contact with the outside world I’d still create. Nonetheless, I don’t live in a cave so I value the feedback I get on my art whatever form it takes. Today’s poem sums it up. Enjoy!

Creative Bits of Me

There’s joy I find when I create,

No matter what I do,

I write, I draw, or carve, or sculpt,

It all comes down to you.

If you engage with what I’ve made,

My effort’s not in vain,

But if you don’t, then back I go,

To try and try again.

For art without an audience,

Is Caesar without Rome,

It looks the same, but what’s the point,

A house, but not a home.

Sometimes with pencil, pen or paint,

My mind I’ll illustrate,

Yet other times with prose or verse,

My thoughts elucidate.

But none of this means anything,

Without your eyes and mind,

Only when you experience,

My art is it defined.

So take a look or read a verse,

There’s plenty more to see,

As I continue sharing these,

Creative bits of me.


NaPoWriMo Day 7

As an artist and generally creative person, I’m constantly trying to learn new techniques or otherwise improve my skills. This can be a lot of work. It can be immensely frustrating too. I can’t tell you how many partially completed drawings, paintings etc I have walked away from. But then I start trying to figure out what went wrong so I can find a new way to fail next time. As the saying goes, we learn more from failure than success. By that metric, I should be truly gifted by now. That is the theme for today’s poem. Enjoy!


Sometimes we try to do a thing,

We’ve never done before,

And though we try our best to learn,

There’s always something more.

We try and try and try and fail,

Think this will never be,

So many times, we just give up,

Our dreams we never see.

But there’s no law says we must quit,

Because the road is long,

For if there were, no one would paint,

You’d have no favourite song.

For everyone who’s tried to go,

Somewhere they have no map,

Has found themselves in that same place,

Has stepped in that same trap.

It’s up to us what we will do,

Give up or carry on,

The only time we truly lose,

Is when our fight is gone.

And so rise up and persevere,

I’m sure that you’ll succeed,

For courage, patience and some hope,

Are all the things you need.


NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 2

People often ask me why I put so much effort into this challenge each year. It is as simple and as complex as this. I want to create something which may outlast my time in this world. None of these are great and immortal verse, yet if there is something in one of them which is recalled after the initial reading, or a drawing which crosses the viewer’s mind down the road, then I have taken a step on the road to a more lasting legacy. Today’s poem speaks to that quest for immortality through one’s body of work. Enjoy!

Why Do I Try?

I am an artist this I know,

With scars upon my soul.

Of every work that I create,

For each must take it’s toll.

Whether fine verse, image or prose,

I seek with every page,

A record of some part of me,

To last beyond my age.

I highly doubt that I shall find,

Posterity I’d claim,

For though some few enjoy my craft,

I’m far from any fame.

I can’t resist the visions, they,

Come crashing through my mind,

So once more I set pen to page,

Perhaps this time to find.

Some secret I have missed ‘til now,

With which to make my mark,

Lest I remain forever lost,

In long forgotten dark.
